Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) key features:

GEAR UP Schools
Nevada GEAR UP partners statewide with 5 middle schools, 3 high schools, the Dean’s Future Scholars program at the University of Nevada, Reno, and the ASPIRE program at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

First Year Advisors
GEAR UP First Year Advisors, one at each Nevada community college, state college, and university help students, parents, and professionals with resources and strategies to prepare students to enter and graduate from college.

School Leaders


Dual Credit

Career Exploration

College Readiness/ACT
Preparing to apply for college can start as early as middle school. Check out the resources here, no matter what your current year in school is!

College Retention and Persistence
Preparing to get into college is important. But how to stay and graduate on time is just as important.

Financial Aid/Financial Literacy

Nevada Career Pathways /Workforce Info
Nevada’s career options might just surprise you! Learn more about in-demand jobs and training.

Business Partnerships

GEAR UP Digest
Nevada GEAR UP Success Stories