Jana Burd and her dog, BeauxThis month’s blog has been written by Jana Burd, NSHE GEAR UP College Coordinator.

Summer-Summer-Summertime! Filled with vacations, new opportunities, and fall planning, the summer can either be a relaxing time or the busiest time of the year. For me, it’s a little bit of both! It’s important to take time out of the year and focus on ourselves as self care can often be the first thing we sacrifice when life gets busy. With the school break, the summer is also a great time to start planning out the fall and new school year as we rapidly approach August. Here are a few ideas on how to use your summer wisely:

  • Take a Break – Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing at all! Life can get so busy that we often forget to just take in the moment. This time of year is the perfect opportunity to just pause and enjoy the moment. Whether this means staying in bed for a day, reading a whole book, starting a new TV show, hiking your favorite trail, or doing something else, just make sure to enjoy the moment.
  • Professional Development – This is a great time to visit a college campus, attend a conference, take a class, or simply look into opportunities you want to do next year! For both students and professionals, it’s important to continue to grow and develop your skills. With many short-term and temporary opportunities offered during the summer, it becomes a great time to try something new to continue to dive deeper into a topic that interests you.
  • Fall Planning – If you’re a planner and like to prepare in advance for the next upcoming phase, the summer is a great time to start planning out the fall and upcoming school year. From laying out your schedule and shopping for new clothes, to planning out the holidays, it can be helpful to get a jumpstart on planning for the upcoming months (but don’t worry if that’s not your thing, fall planning can happen in the fall too!).

It’s hard to stay cool in the Nevada summer heat, but what a special time the summer is! Enjoy this coveted season and make the most of it, however that fits best for you. I know for me, my favorite summer activity is staying in with family and enjoying a new movie or game – anything to beat the heat with the fam! Lastly, and most importantly, don’t forget: with whatever you choose to do with your time, have fun and stay safe out there!