So you have some ideas of what you want to do and be in the future,
and you’ve made the commitment to go to college. What’s next?
You need to stay on track now to prepare for tomorrow.
High school seniors – check out our Senior Launch Guide for helpful information for life after high school and beyond: Senior Launch Guide NV FINAL.
Tips for Navigating the High School to College Transition: Freshmen Field Guide.
How to prepare for a 4 -year program while you’re in a 2-year program: Tips for Transfers.
Bigfuture – College Search Tool
Use this college search tool to find colleges and universities that fit your needs. It is important you find an institution that you can picture yourself at.
Use these test preparation resources to help you prepare for the ACT (the national college admissions exam).
Extracurricular Activities Matter — To You and To Colleges
It is important to get involved with extracurricular activities when applying to colleges because it shows them that you have acquired other skills and knowledge outside of the classroom. Don’t have a club/organization that you are interested in? Don’t worry, you can start your own! Colleges and universities are interested in what you’re passionate about and what you have learned through extracurricular activities. Get involved today!
Bigfuture – How Volunteering Helps You
Volunteering is important because you get the opportunity to give back to the community. It also shows colleges that you value your community and you are dedicated to the organization(s). Start volunteering today at a local non-profit organization to gain valuable skills and experiences.
Find volunteer opportunities in your local area through these websites:
Vision Boards Samples on Pinterest
Creating a vision board(s) will help remind yourself everyday of the SMART goals you set for yourself.
Nevada High School Graduation Requirements
Stay on track by knowing and familiarizing yourself with the requirements for graduating high school.
Use these checklists provided by Big Future to help you stay on track.
Visiting colleges and universities is important. Learn more about how to arrange a campus visit, and what to expect.
This checklist will help ensure you are prepared for a campus visit and give you important questions to ask while you are exploring a campus.
In Nevada, there are 7 public institutions. Each school has their own designated admission requirements. Please click on the logos below to get a better understanding of what their requirements are.