Logo, Education Northwest

1. Mentoring Program Planning and Design Resources

This webpage, provided by Education North West, offers resources for planning, designing, and implementing a youth mentoring program. All resources on this site are free to download.

Logo, Mentoring USA

2. Mentoring USA

Mentoring USA, provided by Help USA, is the nation’s first state-wide, school-based one-to-one mentoring program. They provide one-to-one mentoring programs to enable children to achieve their full potential.

Logo, VolunteerMatch

3. Volunteer Match

Volunteer Match strengthens communities by making it easier for good people and good causes to connect. The organization offers a variety of online services to support a community of nonprofit, volunteer and business leaders committed to civic engagement.

Logo, The National Mentoring Partnership


MENTOR helps children by providing a public voice, developing and delivering resources to mentoring programs nationwide and promoting quality for mentoring through standards, cutting-edge research and state of the art tools.