Preparing to get into college is important. But how to stay and graduate on time is just as important.
Some resources for students, parents and teachers are here:

First-Generation College Student – Unique Barriers
(One Goal, November 22, 2023)

Six Ways to Engage First-Gen College Students
(Inside Higher Ed, November 5, 2024)

Effective Student Success Strategies to Enhance Retention
(Element 451, December 21, 2024)

Belonging a Key Factor in Student Retention
(Inside Higher Ed, August 30, 2024)

Best Practices for Supporting Upward Economic and Social
Mobility for First-Generation College Students
(The American Psychological Association, 2016)

Closing the Gap: Strategies for Increasing
Higher Education Attainment in Nevada
(Kenny Guinn Center for Policy
Priorities, June 2017)

Encouraging First Generation College Student Success
(National Academic Advising
Association, June 2012)

Nevada College Completion Statistics
(Chronicle of Higher Education, 2013 data)

Research to Improve Retention.
(Inside Higher Ed, February 7, 2013)

Straight from the Source: What Works for
First-Generation College Students
(Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity,
December 2006)